NRA Affiliated Club B-4450

Copyright © Williston Shooters Club, Inc..

Range Rules are Located Here

By-Laws are posted in the Members Area

The Williston Shooter’s Club is a private club, membership required, with match events open to the public.  The range is located south of Williston just off Hwy. 41 near the Williston Horseman’s Park, and it is 100 yards with two covered shooting areas for rifle and pistol shooting.  It was formerly a WWII bunker used to test fire aircraft guns.  

The range is owned by the City of Williston and has been leased to WSC.  The range is maintained by WSC for the use of its members, guests, JROTC, 4-H and the Williston Police Department.
Member accessibility is from dawn to dusk, 7 days a week, except when law enforcement is training, JROTC practice and special scheduled shooting events.

Club membership is limited to 150 members and we are currently at capacity.

We are not accepting any addition applications at this time 

Meetings will be held at the ORNAN MASONIC LODGE - (250 NE 6th Blvd, (aka SR 121) Williston, FL. (about 2000 ft. North of Main St.)